Department of Business Administration
1.Aims, Objectives & Professional Rights of Graduates
The Department of Business Administration of the Technological Educational Institute (T.E.I.) of Epirus, which was founded in the academic year 2013 under the Presidential Decree (P.D.) 84/3/6/2013, belongs to the School of Management and Economics. The Department of Applied Foreign Languages in Management and Commerce and the Department of Hospitality Management merged in September 2013 and gave birth to the new department.
The Department of Business Administration is structured into study tracks. In particular, it has two distinct study tracks, each with a distinct number of enrolled students (i.e. students who have passed the national university entrance examination):
A) Business Administration, which offers two optional tracks to senior students
A1) Business Administration
A2) Applied Foreign Languages in Management and Economics
B) Tourism and Hospitality Management
The Department of Business Administration aims to promote the development and dissemination of knowledge in the field of Business Administration with an emphasis on the dimension of Management in Tourism and Hospitality Business, as well as in the field of inter-lingual and inter-cultural communication in this area, both by means of teaching and of applied research. The Department of Business Administration of the T.E.I. of Epirus is the only department in Greece offering high-quality education both in business administration and in foreign languages.
The overall educational aim of the Department is defined by the sum of the aims of the departments merged at the end of to the academic year 2012-2013: contribute to social progress and economic development at a local, regional and national level.
In particular, the aims of the former Department of Applied Foreign Languages in Management and Commerce are defined as follows:
A) the teaching of at least two foreign languages (English, German, French, Italian and Russian) in tandem with teaching in areas like administration, economy and commerce.
B) the development of translation and business interpretation skills in at least two languages
The aims of the former Department of Tourism Business Administration were:
A) to offer soundly structured studies in the fields of tourism and hospitality management.
B) to upgrade the quality of training in the field.
C) to train professionals for the tourism and hospitality business.
The undergraduate study program of the Department covers the legally established professional rights of the following graduates:
A) The graduates of the study track Tourism and Hospitality Management upon the award of their undergraduate degree can either seek employment in businesses or work as self-employed. Moreover, graduates can participate in the state examination for educators with the specialization “Other Graduates of Technological Educational Institutes” (University Education -UE 18), and, specifically, under the specialization code UE 18.02 with a degree code UE 18.23. Additionally, they can participate in state examinations for civil servant positions with the specialization Technological Education – T.E. Administrative and Accounting Staff
B) The department graduates of the study track in Business Administration who choose the directions of Business Administration or Applied Foreign Languages in Management and Economics, upon the award of their undergraduate degree can seek employment either as executives in businesses and in organizations or independently in positions that require extensive use of specialized foreign language knowledge and skills in the field of private or state business administration.